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Bitumen / asphalt / hotmix patch next to new limestone wall - Mahogany Creek - Perth hills


This Mahogany Creek property owner had some works done to his existing red hotmix driveway and parking area (red oxide asphalt / red oxide asphalt) and asked us to come and patch some small areas, trenches and extend the driveway to create a parking bay. The above photo shows the patch next to a new limestone wall, with the new red hotmix (red oxide bitumen / red oxide asphalt) sitting flush with the existing, and neatly finishing off the surface next to the limestone wall. This creates a safe, low maintenance area. Red oxide takes some time to oxidise in the sun, so the new patch in this photo appears darker than the surrounding older asphalt / hotmix / bitumen, but will lighten over time. Yellow sand is sprinkled on new asphalt / hotmix / bitumen to protect it against unsightly tyre scuff marks in the first few days it is laid (these do not affect the strength or durability of the driveway and are only aesthetic - we also repair them free of charge during our 2 year guarantee period on the off chance they do happen).

Bitumen / asphalt / hotmix patch next to new limestone wall - Mahogany Creek - Perth hills
Bitumen / asphalt / hotmix patch next to new limestone wall - Mahogany Creek - Perth hills

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