Below are before and after photos of an existing hardstand gravel driveway and crossover in the Perth hills suburb of Kalamunda.
The first 3 photos show the existing hardstand surface marked out with paint.
The surface was scraped clean, relevelled, compacted and waterbound in preparation for hotmix.

#kalamunda #perthhillls #gravelpave #laterite #driveway #crossover #redhotmix #redasphalt #bitumen #gravel #hardstand #nearme #local #hills
The following photos show the completed sealed section of the hardstand surface.
Once the gravel was levelled, compacted and waterbound, we applied a bitumen tack and a 25mm thick layer of red laterite/gravelpave hotmix/asphalt.
The hot asphalt was rolled with a vibrating roller.
The edges were pulled in flush to the new surface and cooled down with water to enable immediate traffic use.

#kalamunda #perthhillls #gravelpave #laterite #driveway #crossover #redhotmix #redasphalt #bitumen #gravel #hardstand #nearme #local #hills

#kalamunda #perthhillls #gravelpave #laterite #driveway #crossover #redhotmix #redasphalt #bitumen #gravel #hardstand #nearme #local #hills
#kalamunda #perthhillls #gravelpave #laterite #driveway #crossover #redhotmix #redasphalt #bitumen #gravel #hardstand #nearme #local #hills