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  • Peter

Mt Richon - driveway - crossover - residential

Updated: Dec 14, 2021

The first two photos below show and existing worn driveway and crossover in Mt Richon.

The area was swept clean, depressions and potholes pre-filled and compacted.

One side of the driveway adjacent to the limestone wall was extended. Excess fill was removed, roadbase was installed compacted and waterbound to form a hardstand surface.

The following three photos show the new red gravelpave/laterite hotmix resurfacing completed.

The hotmix/asphalt strip on each side of the driveway was laid the day prior to when the photos were taken and completed along with a layer of sand spread on top to allow for immediate use and prevent tyre scuffing.

The middle strip had just been laid as the photo was taken prior to any sand being spread.

The workers are in the process of tidying up any join lines and adding the final touches prior to sand being spread.

The sand will disperse over the next few days and the entire area will look "uniform"

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